The Mulberry Falmouth

British, International·

Good to know

Average Price
££££ - £50 - £79
British, International
Cool, Cosy, Lively
Food Occasions
Special Features
Dog friendly, Vegetarian options
Perfect for
Birthdays, Celebrations, Special occasions
Food Hygiene Rating


Does the restaurant cater for dietaries?

The restaurant is able to cater for most allergies and dietary requirements. Pescatarian, vegetarian and vegan tasting menus can be created upon request

Helpful? 0

Can I bring my dog?

Yes, just make sure to book a table in the dog friendly area, The Snug.

Helpful? 0

The Mulberry Falmouth is featured in


29 High Street, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 2AD

01326 761055 01326 761055


Opening Times

Mon Closed
Tue Closed
Wed 18:00-23:00
Thu 18:00-23:00
Fri 18:00-23:00
Sat 18:00-23:00
Sun Closed


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Call The Mulberry Falmouth to make a booking on:

01326 761055 01326 761055

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