21 Korean Restaurants near Piccadilly Circus London

We found 21 Korean restaurants within 1 miles 1 miles of Piccadilly Circus London

Often regarded as the London equivalent to Times Square, Piccadilly Circus is a tourist hotspot. Moments away from the heart of London’s theatre land, Shaftesbury Avenue, whilst also being equally close to both Soho and the edge of Mayfair, it’s somewhere you often find yourself passing through rather than visiting specifically. However, whilst a lot of locals feel the need to avoid the hustle and bustle of Central London, there are actually a lot of cool things going on in the Piccadilly Circus area and that includes a lot of amazing restaurants.

Now, although there are of course plenty of cheap, chain restaurants as well as expensive tourist traps in this area, if you look around a bit more carefully and dare to venture off some of the busier streets, there are some hidden gems to be found. Chinatown is just a five-minute walk away from Piccadilly Circus and contains a wonderful selection of authentic Chinese restaurants, most of which are brilliant value and rarely require advanced booking – perfect for a quick meal before a West End show.

Korean Restaurants near Piccadilly Circus London
Korean Restaurants near Piccadilly Circus London
Korean Restaurants near Piccadilly Circus London
Korean Restaurants near Piccadilly Circus London
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Leicester Square, SW1Y 4EA
0.2 miles
Jumak39 is a Korean and Japanese restaurant in central London, incorporating a ground floor casual restaurant as well as a basement 'pocha' (a Korean pub). ... Find out more


Soho, W1D 5DL
0.3 miles
Naru Restaurant

Naru Restaurant

London, WC2H 8EG
0.6 miles
What we think
"This Shaftesbury Avenue Korean stands its ground when it comes to authenticity, and can never be accused of dumbing down. Deeply savoury doen jang jji ..." Read our full review


Fitzrovia, W1T 1NA
0.5 miles
What we think
"There was a time when Korean barbecue restaurants were hard to come by in London, but in recent years, the trend for cooking your own dinner has really ..." Read our full review
Myung Ga

Myung Ga

Soho, W1B 5PA
0.2 miles
What we think


London, WC1V 6EA
1.0 miles
What we think
"Peddling Westernised Korean cuisine for city slickers, Kimchee’s smart surrounds elevate it well above run-of-the-mill ethnic eateries. Dark wood ..." Read our full review
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If you wiggle your way North from Piccadilly Circus, you’ll quickly find yourself on the edge of Soho, home to many of London’s most fashionable restaurants. If you’re looking for a great restaurant near Piccadilly Circus which isn’t full of tourists and not overpriced, Soho is a great bet with a whole host of different cuisines available ranging from classic British, to Thai and Japanese food and everything in between.

Or maybe you’re looking for a smart, fine-dining style meal in the Piccadilly Circus area, in which case heading into Mayfair is the perfect option. There you will find a number of top-class hotels and restaurants all of which serve exquisite food and many of them have received multiple Michelin stars. In fact, the areas around Piccadilly Circus have some of the densest population of Michelin stars in the whole of London.

So whether you’re needing a quick bite before seeing a West End Show, you want to meet up with friends in a convenient location, or you want a fancy celebratory meal, there is something for everyone when it comes to restaurants in the Piccadilly Circus area.