18 Lebanese Restaurants near Knightsbridge London

We found 18 Lebanese restaurants within 1 miles 1 miles of Knightsbridge London

Lebanese Restaurants near Knightsbridge London
Lebanese Restaurants near Knightsbridge London
Lebanese Restaurants near Knightsbridge London
Lebanese Restaurants near Knightsbridge London
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Al Arez 2

Al Arez 2

Knightsbridge, SW3 1JD
0.4 miles
Our prime location branch Al Arez 2 Brompton Road is a house for a 3 floors restaurant opposite the very famous Harrods Store, you can now enjoy din ... Find out more


London, SW3 1NG
0.5 miles
What we think
"Looking good in shades of blingy black, silver and gold, this sleek Lebanese has a lot going for it and remains a resounding hit with the neighbourhood ..." Read our full review
Comptoir Libanais South Kensington

Comptoir Libanais South Kensington

London, SW7 2HE
0.9 miles
Bringing to London the colourful and quirky décor that covers the souks and homes of people in Lebanon, Comptoir Libanais is the first big Middle Eas ... Find out more
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