0 Thai Restaurants near Canary Wharf London

We found 0 Thai restaurants within miles miles of Canary Wharf London

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Thai Restaurants near Canary Wharf London
Thai Restaurants near Canary Wharf London
Thai Restaurants near Canary Wharf London
Thai Restaurants near Canary Wharf London
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For something lowkey at lunchtime there are street food options down at the docks, inside the shopping centre and across the concourse in front of the station. Think crunchy Korean fried chicken, chewy sourdough pizza or juicy burgers with all the toppings.

If you’re looking to wine and dine and clients you might prefer somewhere suitably chic, and the restaurants in Canary Wharf can certainly deliver to this brief too. Think refined Japanese food in pared-back surrounds or top-class steak served straight from the grill. Big name brands like Gaucho, Hawksmoor and The Ivy can all be found here with outlets serving locals and tourists alike.

Aside from having regular tables availed to book, many of the restaurants in Canary Wharf have areas suitable for private dinners or exclusive events. If you’re unsure simply check with your preferred restaurant to see if there are arrangements that can be made to suit you and your party. Often restaurants have special menus or will gladly organise food and wine pairings, to help you give your guests a memorable evening.

Looking for the best restaurants in Canary Wharf? Right this way.