0 Restaurants near Spitalfields London

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The popular East London area of Spitalfields bridges the gap between the trendy streets of Shoreditch and the towering skyscrapers of The City but in recent years has become a district well worth visiting independently. Encompassing famous spots including Brick Lane and the beautiful Christ Church, the area is also home to a number of fantastic markets. The most prominent of these is of course Spitalfields Market, which has been operating ever since the Great Fire of London and features a variety of different stalls and street food vendours. Spitalfields is also incredibly diverse in terms of different cultures and Brick Lane, which used be predominantly a Jewish area, is now regarded as the heart of London’s Bangladeshi community.

The area’s wide variety of different cultures is particularly evident in the huge range of restaurants in Spitalfields. Home in particular to some of the best Middle Eastern and Indian restaurants in London, as well as a number of ultra-trendy burger joints and popular brunch spots, there’s something for everyone when in comes to food in Spitalfields. So next time you’re fancying a meal in East London, but want to try somewhere other than Shoreditch or Hackney, it should be high up your list.