very bad place I do not recommend
I booked this place at the beginning of May, my friend recommended it to me, he met the super Head Chef and his deputy, he was delighted with the food, the composition, the bouquet of flavors and the breakfast, he praised Brekfast Chef very much, he made an omelette for him – it was not on the menu, but it was at the beginning of May. On May 14, he warned me because a certain Georgina Hassanzadeh and a new manager Kearen McVey fired the Head chef and Zous Chef, Pestry chef and Brekfast chef for nothing - despite this I went for two days and honestly I will tell you I regret it, it was the worst experience in half a century. It was the worst food for such a valuable one, I ate better at MacDonald's, Manager Kearen McVey was drunk, he was mumbling something, he didn't know what he was serving, I waited a long time for dinner and there was cold food on the plate, served sloppily and to his aggression, vulgarity to me, persuading me that I ordered it, that this is how you serve fish, which was not fried, tasteless, and the vegetables were old, but it was nothing, because this Georgina Hassanzdeh is an ordinary lazy woman.
. I waited 45 minutes for breakfast, first she gave me lukewarm coffee, when I pointed it out to her and that Fruti salat is old and ham, salami, chorosi stink- It's not my problem but it was the beginning, scrambel egs salmon was cold, burnt and salmon doesn't fresh, and that's why I told her that I'm allergic to butter. She shouted to me why I didn't tell her earlier, and she didn't pay attention to me before, because I noticed that she paid more attention to the phone, she didn't. Georgina
bardzo zle mnie traktowala, tak dzgala i wtedy zwrócilam jej uwage, z e talerz, szklanki sa brudne – nie obchodzi mnie to, nie pracuje w kuchni, obwiniala tego kierownika, a on obwinial ja – najgorsze dos adowanie, to samo dotyczy recepcji, stracilem duz o energii, moje zdrowie, aby odzyskac czesc pieniedzy. Unikajcie tego miejsca, nic dobrego Was nie czeka, bedziecie rozczarowani, a Kearen i Georgina traktuja klientów jak smieci, licza sie tylko pieniadze – koszmarne doswiadczenie. P.S. Jak dowiedzialem sie, kto mi sluzyl, mój zawód mi na to pozwala i mam latwy dostep do takich informacji, prosze unikac tego miejsca