Rude, high-handed profiteers who care nothing for their customers
I very rarely complain as I know firsthand how hard it is to run a restaurant. I’m even more reluctant to post this as a longstanding customer of the Earl of March. But I have been horrified by the approach taken by the new management which seemingly places short-term profit above their customers’ health and wellbeing.
I had to cancel a recent evening booking for two people as my friend had tested positive with Covid that very morning. Despite cancelling the booking at 7am by phone, email and the online booking system, I was charged £30. I took this up with the manager - including coming in with proof of the positive test as my phone call had been met with disbelief - but was told that there was nothing that could be done.
It is my duty to warn everyone that this establishment seems to prefer customers with Covid to honour their bookings, and risk spreading the virus to others, than allow them to cancel with no charge.
As if this wasn’t enough, I have never been treated as rudely by a restaurant’s management. Dismissive, accusatory and downright offensive…so much for the season of goodwill! Suffice to say that I will not be returning and strongly suggest that others avoid unless you wish to support high-handed, rude profiteers who show no care for their customers.