0 Restaurants near Thame

We found 0 restaurants within miles miles of Thame

If you’re on the hunt for restaurants in Thame, you’re in the right place. We’ve compiled a comprehensive collection of dinner spots, cafes and eateries near Thame in Oxfordshire to suit any occasion. Whether you fancy a fine dining dinner in a refurbished 16th-century cottage, a trendy cafe for a brunch-based outing, or simply need a pub serving great grub in front of a woodburning fire - we’ve got you covered. To narrow down the options, take advantage of the filters on the left-hand side to customise the results according to your occasion, budget, desired cuisine, and ambience. The Thame area is known for its Anglo-Saxon history, but it’s also home to diverse cuisines and culinary influences. Once you’ve found the place best suited to sate your appetite, simply click ‘book now’ to find out more and reserve a table today.

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The town of Thame, located between Oxford and High Wycombe, began as a small Anglo-Saxon settlement within the historical kingdom of Wessex. Situated on the Thame River - from which it derives its name - the settlement grew steadily around the church of St Mary the Virgin which retains elements of its 13th-century incarnation. The surrounding landscape is peppered with noteworthy sights like the Rycote Chapel, The Waterperry Gardens, and the Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve. Situated near the Chiltern Hills, this rural town also has some worthwhile walking routes to ramble across and enjoy panoramic vistas of the Oxfordshire countryside.

The success of the town is thanks in part to a royal charter granted in 1215 allowing for market activities in its centre - a tradition which has continued for over 800 years to the present day. Year after year, visitors trek to explore the rich heritage of the town at the Thame Museum and view some fine examples of Georgian and Victorian architecture, many arrive to amble up the vibrant high street, while away the hours in Thame’s eateries, and nose around its independent shops and boutiques. Whatever the occasion for your visit, there are plenty of restaurants in Thame each offering something different.