0 Steak Restaurants near Derby

We found 0 Steak restaurants within miles miles of Derby

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Steak Restaurants near Derby
Steak Restaurants near Derby
Steak Restaurants near Derby
Steak Restaurants near Derby
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Situated on the banks of the River Derwent in Derbyshire, Derby is a city that is known for its creative spirit and industrial heritage. Well worth a mention, it holds the distinction of being the birthplace of the UK's first factory, the Silk Mill, which has since evolved into the Museum of Making as of 2021 – make sure you visit if you find yourself in Derby. With roots dating back to Roman times, Derby became a big city during the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, playing a big role in the industrial era. For an immersive experience of the city's character, be sure to complete the Made in Derby trail — an adventure of mosaic and cast iron plaques. This trail is made as a tribute to the incredible individuals whose contributions have shaped Derby's identity and legacy.