Angel Inn - Warminster

Gastropub, Italian·

Good to know

Average Price
££££ - £30 - £49
Gastropub, Italian
Food Hygiene Rating


Situated in the beautiful village of Upton Scudamore, The Angel Inn is one of Wiltshire’s finest country pubs. The five bedroom inn and restaurant has undergone extensive renovation in keeping with the inn’s rustic charm while breathing new life into the premises. La Campagna Restaurant aims to bring a vibrant, warm and welcoming dining experience with a unique combination of a traditional pub and an Italian Brasserie. “where nothing is too much trouble…


High Street, Warminster, Wiltshire, SP3 6DJ

01747 820 696 01747 820 696


Opening Times

Mon-Sun 12N-2.30pm Mon-Sat 7-9.30pm


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01747 820 696 01747 820 696

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