0 Restaurants near Winchester

We found 0 restaurants within miles miles of Winchester

Found on the fringes of England’s South Downs National Park, Winchester is well-known for its famous Medieval cathedral and a whole host of ancient castle ruins. Aside from its historic prowess, this market town is also great for a bite to eat. Restaurants in Winchester are a varied bunch, so rest assured that whatever you’re in the mood for, you should find it here.

For hardcore food fans, some of the celebrity names backing restaurants in this corner of Hampshire might be enough of a draw to bring you to the area. Both Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Rick Stein have restaurants in Winchester and offer up high-end fine-dining fare which perfect for special celebrations. A word of warning though, pre-booking is keenly advised due to popularity.

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 Restaurants near Winchester
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If you’re looking for something a little more lowkey, the pub scene – and we don’t say this lightly – is top-class in Winchester. There’s nothing more satisfying than some classic British food on a chilly day and the best pubs in Winchester offer old-school favourites and modern takes on traditional recipes that are sure to warm your cockles. Think sausage and mash in front of a roaring fire, satisfyingly large Sunday roasts in wood panelled dining rooms or even just a Scotch egg and a pint at a counter pulled up to the bar.

As with many of the UK’s most popular tourist towns, Winchester offers up cracking Italian food (because, let’s face it, this must be one of the favourite cuisines of us Brits). From pizzas at chain restaurants through to plates of homemade pastas tossed in sauces made from local ingredients, the Italian restaurants in Winchester have it all. If you’re looking for a specific type of food – Italian or otherwise – you can use our clever filters to search by cuisine. This will help narrow down the choices on offer to help you organise your next meal easily and quickly.