0 Restaurants near Penarth

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If you have found yourself searching for a particular kind of restaurant, and are overwhelmed by the choices available to you, or perhaps you can’t find one that seems suitable, you’ve come to the right place. Our list has been carefully put together to offer you everything that you need to plan your next meal out. Whether you fancy Carribean food or a Chinese buffet, we’ve got everything that you can think of. With over 300 restaurants, simply narrow down your search using the filters on the left hand side of the page, selecting restaurants from the number of awards and accolades they have received, those with great views and waterside dining, and types of restaurant, from a bar to a hotel. With our varied selection of restaurants in Penarth, we're confident that, as you explore, you'll discover the ideal spot for your next booking.

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Situated in the Vale of Glamorgan, Penarth is about three miles to the south of Cardiff city centre, Penarth has repeatedly been recognised as one of the most wonderful seaside living destinations in the UK, and captivates visitors with its unique charm and scenic allure. Whether you opt for a leisurely stroll along the esplanade or a relaxing stroll on the pebble beach, the beauty of Penarth is unmistakable. Indulge in the seaside pleasures of an ice cream in hand and take in the sights of the captivating early 20th century art deco style of the iconic Penarth Pier Pavilion, or stroll along the pier, soaking in the views that overlook the Severn estuary and stretch across to England. Recently, Penarth has found itself in the limelight, featuring in various television series and films. From the beloved Gavin and Stacey to the iconic Doctor Who, Penarth's picturesque backdrop has become a sought after location for filmmakers.