50 Wedding Venues near Cardiff

We found 50 Wedding Venues within 0 miles25 miles of Cardiff

Cardiff is a large and popular capital city, located in South Wales. Home to many popular landmark venues such as Cardiff Castle and the famous city stadium, Cardiff is much loved by locals, students and visitors to the area. The city itself is also home to the historic university, and you will discover plenty of good restaurants, shops and bars within reach. The sought after area of Cardiff bay is also close by, which is also home to the capital’s famous opera house. If you’re thinking of getting married in Cardiff, you will discover plenty of exciting venues to explore, both in and around the city.

 Wedding Venues near Cardiff
 Wedding Venues near Cardiff
 Wedding Venues near Cardiff
 Wedding Venues near Cardiff
Map view

Walton Castle

14.7 miles

Tucked away on the clifftop at Walton Park just outside of Bristol, Walton Castle is a totally u ...

Alma Tavern and Theatre

Alma Tavern and Theatre

24.4 miles

We can host a full day of celebrations or after-ceremony receptions in our intimate pub restaura ...

The Great House Hotel

The Great House Hotel

19.2 miles

An unforgettable wedding begins with choosing an incredible venue. The Great House is one o ...

The Heronston Hotel

The Heronston Hotel

Mid Glamorgan
17.2 miles

The Hotel offers a choice of rooms to suit every occasion with the Ibis Court and Kingfisher Sui ...

Batch Country House

Batch Country House

16.0 miles

We know that your choice of wedding venue is one of the most important decisions you will ...

Maesteg Golf Club

Maesteg Golf Club

23.2 miles

The clubhouse at Maesteg, opened in the autumn of 2000, has a bar, restaurant and function room ...

Berwick Lodge

Berwick Lodge

23.8 miles

The very pretty Berwick Manor Hotel in Rainham is a charming and unpretentious venue that will h ...

The Grand By Thistle, Bristol

The Grand By Thistle, Bristol

25.3 miles

Mercure Bristol Grand Hotel has had an extensive makeover in recent years that has transformed w ...

The Square Club

The Square Club

24.8 miles

The Square is Bristol's longest serving private members club, and is a space that is designed pa ...

M Shed

M Shed

25.2 miles

M Shed is a world-class cultural landmark set on the harbourside in the heart of Bristol. The mu ...

Have you considered these nearby areas?

If you’re exploring wedding venues in Cardiff you will soon discover the city has some great travel links in and out of the area, including good access to the M4 motorway, along with the large city train station. Cardiff itself is home to many good, fine dining restaurants and luxurious hotels, whilst just outside the city you will discover some large country houses, manors and lodges. If you’re marrying a sports fan perhaps you’ll enjoy perusing some of the much loved sports grounds available to hire, or maybe you’ve got something a little different in mind such as a museum or art gallery reception. From castles to country houses, you will discover Cardiff has so much to offer. The city is within easy reach of many popular towns and cities including Bristol, Bath and Caerphilly, all of which boast their own picture perfect scenery and stunning venues to explore. If you’re thinking of getting married in Cardiff and you don’t know where to begin, why not take a look through our pick of wonderful wedding venues and start planning your perfect day.

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