16 French Restaurants near High Wycombe

We found 16 French restaurants within 13 miles 13 miles of High Wycombe

Often just referred to as Wycombe by locals, High Wycombe is one of the largest towns in Buckinghamshire. Located in the valley of the River Wye, this historic market town is surrounded by lush countryside that makes up the Chiltern Hills but is also just a mere 29 miles from Charing Cross in London, making it a popular residence for city commuters who enjoy a slower pace of life on the weekends. Once an old mill town with an impressive six mills in total, the town historically attracted a great deal of passing trade for its lace, linen and paper manufacturing. It was also a common spot for travellers to pitch up in the taverns and inns on route between Oxford and London. Nowadays there is still a great selection of restaurants in High Wycombe to choose from and a number of restaurants near High Wycombe that are also worth exploring.


French Restaurants near High Wycombe
French Restaurants near High Wycombe
French Restaurants near High Wycombe
French Restaurants near High Wycombe
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The Black Horse, Thame

The Black Horse, Thame

Thame, OX9 2BL
12.8 miles
The Black Horse, is a relaxed and traditional family pub and brasserie with rooms, situated just off the High Street in Thame, Oxfordshire. Part of the Whit ... Find out more
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The pedestrianised Georgian High Street, the Little Market House – or ‘Pepper Pot’, and arcaded Guildhall are all attractive features that draw visitors to this thriving town. High Wycombe is also home to a 12th Century parish church that’s the largest in the country, a popular museum and The Wycombe Swan Theatre which has played proud host to some of the finest local, national and international performances. The recently developed Eden Shopping Centre has seen the arrival of many new retail brands but the town still remains immensely supportive of its market on the High Street which has been in operation for well over 700 years. The market currently runs on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays with an evolving street food court and a community of regular traders selling local produce. With so many attractions, it’s unsurprising that High Wycombe has a growing number of options for eating out too. Alongside reliable high street chains, a multitude of gastropubs and restaurants near High Wycombe can be found serving up an array of British classics as well as a number of international outlets offering a diverse range of cuisines from around the world.