98 British Restaurants near Dorchester

We found 98 British restaurants within 30 miles 30 miles of Dorchester

If you're a visitor or simply searching for an exceptional dining destination, this comprehensive list of restaurants in Dorchester is sure to assist you. Located just inland from the Dorset coast, surrounded by prized landscapes and designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, this bustling county town offers more than breathtaking views, museum trips, and nature trails. It also has a diverse and exciting food scene highlighting flavours from South America, Morocco, and the shores of Sri Lanka. Whether you prefer traditional pubs, trendy cafes, or fine dining establishments this list of eateries in Dorchester covers every dining occasion. With ample choices spanning various budgets, cuisines and styles, finding the Dorchester restaurant that meets your requirements may feel overwhelming. Fortunately, our user-friendly filters on the left-hand side allow you to effortlessly refine your search and find the spot that suits you. So, why wait? Start exploring and secure your reservation today.

British Restaurants near Dorchester
British Restaurants near Dorchester
British Restaurants near Dorchester
British Restaurants near Dorchester
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Pythouse Kitchen Garden

Pythouse Kitchen Garden

Tisbury, SP3 6PA
27.3 miles
Pythouse Kitchen Garden describes itself as a place to ‘eat, drink and celebrate the seasons’, a description we would argue is pretty apt. The r ... Find out more
Roth Bar & Grill

Roth Bar & Grill

Bruton, BA10 0NL
27.5 miles
What we think
"Based at the Hauser & Wirth Gallery in Bruton, Roth Bar & Grill is a blend of food, wine, cocktails and contemporary art. Run by husband-and-wi ..." Read our full review
At The Chapel

At The Chapel

Bruton, BA10 0AE
27.7 miles
What we think
"Catherine Butler and chef Steven Horrell have sensitively transformed this high-ceilinged one-time chapel into a local hub combining a bakery, wine sho ..." Read our full review


Bruton, BA10 0AB
27.8 miles
What we think
"It’s fair to say, Osip is not your average neighbourhood restaurant in this part of the world. You wouldn’t guess from the modest frontage ..." Read our full review
The Langford

The Langford

Fivehead, TA3 6PH
28.8 miles
Olly and Rebecca Jackson have made quite a name for themselves at this pre-Tudor manor house in the Somerset countryside. Describing itself as a restaurant ... Find out more
Ye Olde George Christchurch

Ye Olde George Christchurch

Christchurch, BH23 1DT
29.2 miles
Near to the River Stour, Ye Olde George is a welcoming haven for those needing a bite to eat or refreshing pint. Positioned conveniently within Christchurch ... Find out more
The Lamb at Hindon

The Lamb at Hindon

Warminster, SP3 6DP
29.8 miles
What we think
"Ranald Macdonald (owner of London’s Boisdale mini-chain) bought this village restaurant-with-rooms on a whim, when he stopped off for a meal duri ..." Read our full review
Ship Inn Distress

Ship Inn Distress

Christchurch, BH23 3NA
30.0 miles
Here at the Ship in Distress pub in Christchurch, we’re proud to be a traditional village pub that you’d be proud to call your local. Come alon ... Find out more
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The country town of Dorset, and a popular tourist destination in its own right, Dorchester sees hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to its historic streets every year. It’s hardly surprising, it sits just north of Weymouth on the thoroughfare between Poole and Bridport. And, just a few miles to the south is Maiden Castle, an Iron Age hillfort which was one of the most powerful settlements in pre-Roman Britain. But the history of Dorchester itself is a Roman one, originally founded as a garrison before developing into a settlement named Durnovaria - which loosely translates as ‘place with fist-sized pebbles’. Dorchester is also the site of the notorious 17th-century ‘Bloody Assizes’ held in what is today the Antelope Hotel tea rooms.

As you’d expect, Dorchester is home to many museums and attractions, along with plenty of cafes and pubs where you can rest your museum-worn feet. Dorchester restaurants are varied, diverse, and ever-popular. From cosy pub pints by the fire to award-winning fine dining restaurants, town centre cafes and spots with stunning views of the River Frome there’s something for everyone. Once you’ve found the place for you, simply click ‘book now’ to find out more, and reserve your table.