17 Fish Restaurants near Ashford

We found 17 Fish restaurants within 19 miles 19 miles of Ashford

There are numerous restaurants for you to choose from near Ashford, and we've got everything you could possibly dream of on our list. We know that when searching for a restaurant it can feel a little overwhelming, there really are so many options on the internet, and especially when you don't know what you're searching for, it can feel like an impossible task. Our filters on the left hand side of the page will allow you to select options from the parts of your booking you know are non-negotiables. You'll be able to choose the cuisine you'd like to enjoy such as great British classics, French and fusion food through to German and Greek. If you want to dine outdoors, you'll be able to select those options too, so you can enjoy your meal al fresco on the water side or on a rooftop terrace.

Fish Restaurants near Ashford
Fish Restaurants near Ashford
Fish Restaurants near Ashford
Fish Restaurants near Ashford
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The Lobster Shack Whitstable

The Lobster Shack Whitstable

Whitstable, CT5 1AB
16.4 miles
Based at the end of Whitstable’s East Quay, The Lobster Shack is a beach bar-style restaurant serving a selection of fresh seafood in a spacious but r ... Find out more
The Oyster and Chop House

The Oyster and Chop House

Herne Bay, CT6 5LH
18.9 miles
Located on the High Street of Kent seaside town Herne Bay, The Oyster and Chop House is all about meat and seafood, and lots of it. Serving an extensive men ... Find out more
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Ashford is a town and borough in Kent, its old town was granted a market in the 13th century that later became a stock market for the nearby farms. In more recent years, Ashford has developed as a railway centre, and is home to many manufacturing hubs such as agricultural implements, beer and the making of bricks. Although Ashford as a town is quite calm and laid back, there are plenty of things to do – such as a day trip to the designer outlet, taking in the beautiful Kentish landscape at the Downs National Park, visiting a Hollywood Bowl or an indoor playground, and if you enjoy history, then you should spend some time at Godinton House and Gardens. This Jacobean house has a medieval hall, and there's plenty to do here when taking in 600 years of history.