7 Pizza Restaurants near Hitchin

We found 7 Pizza restaurants within 21 miles 21 miles of Hitchin

Use our list of restaurants in Hitchin to find your new favourite place to eat. You'll be able to use the filters on the left hand side of the page in order to whittle down your options, making sure that the next restaurant you visit is one that truly hits the spot. The filters will even allow you to narrow down your restaurant choices based on price, ensuring that you don't break the bank on your next meal. Other filters will allow you to choose the restaurant based on cuisine, which is perhaps the most important part. Hitchin has got everything on offer, from barbecue and bistro style restaurants, through to Caribbean, cheese specialists, and plenty of pubs. If you enjoy dining outside, you'll also be able to choose from options including beer gardens, restaurants with great views, outdoor seating and terrace and waterside dining. We've even got options that include bottomless brunch, delicious breakfasts, late night dining to satisfy cravings, and of course the classic Sunday roast.

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Pizza Restaurants near Hitchin
Pizza Restaurants near Hitchin
Pizza Restaurants near Hitchin
Pizza Restaurants near Hitchin
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Zizzi Hitchin

Zizzi Hitchin

Hitchin, SG5 1AH
0.3 miles
What we think
"Nationwide Italian chain Zizzi is not exactly the last word in cutting-edge culinary cool, but it’s been quick off the mark to introduce some hot ..." Read our full review
Prezzo Stevenage Leisure Park

Prezzo Stevenage Leisure Park

Stevenage, SG1 2UA
4.5 miles
What we think
"It has taken Prezzo just over a decade to become a high street fixture. Now with over 150 branches up & down the country, the affordable chain make ..." Read our full review
ASK Italian Stevenage

ASK Italian Stevenage

Stevenage, SG1 2UA
4.7 miles
Our bright and airy Italian restaurant on Stevenage Leisure Park is perfectly positioned for a delicious meal during a day’s shopping or before a big ... Find out more
The George - Harpenden

The George - Harpenden

Harpenden, AL5 2TB
9.8 miles
Quirky pub meets pizza restaurant at Harpenden’s The George, a great venue entering the newest phase of its life as one of the town’s most popul ... Find out more
Nonnas Kitchen

Nonnas Kitchen

Hoddesdon, EN11 8HF
17.5 miles
Home-grown Sicilian cuisine brought to Hertfordshire. This quaint restaurant offers diners a taste of Italy with authentic recipes, straight out of Nonna&rs ... Find out more
Prezzo - Bishops Stortford

Prezzo - Bishops Stortford

Bishop's Stortford, CM23 2LD
19.6 miles
Serving irresistible Italian cuisine in casual, friendly surroundings, Prezzo uses only the finest seasonal ingredients to create their award-winning piz ... Find out more


Town Centre, WD6 1AE
20.3 miles
Using the freshest ingredients, sababa brings all-day family favourites to Borehamwood, from indulgent breakfasts to authentic pizzas. We're all about exqui ... Find out more
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Hitchin is a market town in North Hertfordshire. Plenty of people choose to live in this part of the country and commute into London as it's relatively close, just 35 miles north. With plenty of history, Hitchin is a town that dates back to at least the 7th century. It established itself as a major centre for grain trading after the Corn Exchange in the 1800s. It's been the backdrop for many films and television programmes including My Policeman, Dr Foster and The World's End. Quite a charming town, Hitchin has cobbled streets, plenty of independent boutiques and cafes, a rare thousand year old church and a market square where you can often catch a live musical performance. The name Hitchin derives from an Anglo-Saxon Hicca tribe who dwelt here in the 7th century.