0 Restaurants near Penzance

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Penzance is a picturesque town located in the far west of Cornwall. It may be quite the journey to get here from most other parts of the UK, but we would say that a visit to Penzance is definitely worth it. Not convinced? Well, allow us to lay out our arguments. Not only does Penzance possess that rustic, local charm that only UK seaside towns can, it is also home to boutique hotels, mesmerising art galleries and tropical gardens. Aside from all of this, Penzance also boasts a thriving restaurant scene, which is ready and waiting to thrill visitors by flying the flag for top-quality British seafood, as well as representing a few other corners of the globe too.

Discover our full list of Penzance restaurants below and be sure to click through to each individual listing to learn more about the restaurants in the area and reserve a table.

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It is easy to assume that Coastal towns are all fish and chip shops and casual cafes, but Penzance is home to a refreshingly diverse and eclectic restaurant scene. Restaurants in Penzance celebrate the cuisines of China, Mexico, Spain and Thailand to name just a few, while there are also some venues that offer vegetarian and vegan alternatives to the classics. If you are looking for that classic seaside restaurant experience though, Penzance can provide that too, with a whole host of local Penzance restaurants which celebrate fresh fish and seafood.

Did you know that Penzance claims to have more restaurants per resident than New York City? There are options to suit every budget here, with restaurants in Penzance offering everything from casual takeaways and cafes perfect for quick bites, to sit-down establishments where you can while away an evening over a plate of delicious food and crisp glass of wine.